Update on Anti-Spam and Virus filters

Sent on 6/2/2003



You should have noticed a decrease in the amount of SPAM that is hitting your mailbox. During this test phase I have been monitoring the account that spam get’s redirected to a couple times a day and if I have found legitimate mail that got caught by mistake it has been forwarded on.

Sometime in the next day or so we will be making additional upgrades to the Mail servers that should help catch a bunch more SPAM.

Currently the type filters that are in place work off of keywords and phases, which is why some legitimate mail get’s caught and other mail get’s through. Mail that is formatted with web content can currently get through because of some “tricks” the spammers use in which they put “invisible” web programming language in the middle of words. The filter sees the entire “misspelled” word while you see only the actual word(s) that the spammer wants you to see.

The new update should catch those too. A good friend of mine upgraded his mail servers to this new version and he said that it has stopped 99% of the spam that was getting through!

This new version of the mail server looks at not just words in the mail but also verifies that the email actually came from a valid address and server like “dave@microworks.net” and not something bogus like “kbkqvdgy@yahoo.com”. It also looks at the content of the message to detect the “invisible” words and formatting that is only found in spam email.

Hopefully this update will allow you to take control of your mail for your use and not for the pleasure of those lowlife spammers.

Should you have any questions please feel free to email me back with additional questions.

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