Mail Server update/change
Sent 2/14/2006
Over the next couple of weeks we will be upgrading and consolidating our mail servers. We will also be switching the mail server from Ipswitch’s IMail Server to SmarterTools SmarterMail Server. Additionally we will be implementing some very advanced Anti-Spam & Virus filtering with this new server by utilizing Declude.
The changes will occur over a weekend to minimize downtime. For those using mail clients like Outlook, Outlook Express, Eudora, etc… You will be required to use SMTP Authentication. Well prior to the mail server change another email will be sent out with links to some webpages that will clearly document how to configure these three email programs. Additionally, we will provide documentation so that if you are sitting on a network like Cox Cable that “requires” you to use the Cox mail server for sending email you will be able to configure your email client to go directly to your own email server instead.
This authentication will not be forced with the initial roll out of the server but will be required within a few weeks of the new server implementation.
For those that use the web client you will see a HUGE change. For a preview of the new features that will be available take the demo tour:
Once you login to the demo you can see that under setings you can select to compose your email in either plain text or HTML which will give you an editor like Microsoft Word so that you can underline, bold, font size, etc…
For info on our use of Declude for filtering with SmarterrMail see:
Make sure this notice gets passed around your office so that everyone is aware of the upcoming changes.