Slight outage today

Sent 4/11/2007


We had a confluence of events that resulted in a small outage this afternoon.

We noticed that speed and performance on the mail server was lagging. Upon investigation we discovered that the performance of our connection to Qwest was not running at it’s full capacity. In fact it was running at a very slow DSL “type” of speed.

Performance was being further impacted on our degraded lines by one of our clients sending multiple emails with nearly 20MB attachments. On a normal day this would not have been an issue but due to the degraded state of the line the inbound and outbound transmission of these emails were severely impacting the available bandwidth for the rest of the mail. Essentially being a cork in the bottle.

Qwest was notified and while they were working and investigating the line (causing it to be taken down during their testing) we took the opportunity to install a new upgrade to our mail server software.

The upgrade contains quite a few feature updates that we had personally requested and are very happy to see
included. Additionally it sounds like a bunch of performance enhancements have been implemented that will make the server work even faster. I know that it appears that the web interface is faster although they do not mention this as being a feature

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