Anti-Spam and Virus filters put in place on the Mail Server

Sent on 5/13/2003


This past evening we put in place some new filters on the Summit Internet Mail server that we hope will cut down significantly on the amount of junk and dangerous email that makes it through to your in-box.

While no method of filtering can or will be fool-proof just placing the filters on the system so far this evening we see that 34 pieces of possible Spam email were rejected and 1 piece of virus-like “suspicious” email were rejected for delivery within just the past hour and a half.

When a piece of email arrives at the mail server it is passed through a set of four filters. These filters look at various parts of the email message looking for some specific tell-tale signs. If the message meets any of the criteria it is rejected and placed in a special email account that we have the ability to examine and will be purging on a weekly basis.

The person that sent you the email that was flagged as either suspicious for being virus-like or spam-like will get an immediate reply indicating one of two reasons for their mail being rejected. Either the message met the criteria for possibly being constructed like Spam or a different message telling them that they tried to send a file that met the criteria to be considered potentially dangerous for containing a virus and what they can do to resend the file to get
through the filters firewall.

Just because the Mail server will try and catch virus like files as they come in is not a reason to lapse in maintaining your own Anti-virus software and keeping it up to date.

I hope this new service that we have put in place for your convenience and protection will provide some additional value add to our services.

Do not hesitate to contact us by return email or by phone at 480-610-8234 should you have any questions.

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