Upgrade completed… Initial observations.

Sent 1/14/2007


Well the upgrade on the mail server was completed last night with minimal difficulties and the server brought back on-line at around 7:30pm.

The decrease in delivered SPAM is almost spooky!

Granted it is a Holiday weekend so traffic will be lighter. However, looking at the log files as of about 2:30pm this afternoon from midnight last night the server is blocking 95.87% of all inbound mail as SPAM.

I know that the amount of SPAM that has made it through to my own in-boxes totaled just three from midnight to now. All three of those did have Opt-out links that I used.

Last Sunday volume on the server was 6,237 blocked as SPAM, 2,290 deleted as SPAM (total stopped = 8,527), 1,329 deliver as “clean” and 669 delivered but flagged as possibly SPAM (total delivered = 1,998) which represents 81.02%. As of right now the volume is 5,807 blocked, 455 deleted (total stopped = 6,262), 156 delivered “clean” and 114 delivered flagged (total = 270).

It will certainly be interesting to see how we fair when the workweek restarts on Tuesday. If you have ANY issues or CONCERNS please let us know at either: dave@microworks.net or by calling at 480-610-8234.

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