Exchange Server SBS 2003 & Pop Connector to Schedule less than 15min

You can set the polling interval so that polling occurs more frequently than every 15 minutes:

Add a Schedule (DWORD) “ScheduleAccelerator” entry to


To determine the actual polling interval: Divide the POP3 Scheduling interval (the value you have configured in the POP3-Connector GUI’s Scheduling tab)

by the value you set for the ScheduleAccelerator reg entry. For example, if you specify a 15-minute interval in the POP3-Connector GUI, and you set the ScheduleAccelerator value (Decimal) to 3, the POP3 Connector will poll every 5 minutes (15 divided by 3). If you set it to 5, the POP3 Connector will poll every 3 minutes.

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