Last Night – Mail Server Change

Sent 2/28/2006



The new email and web servers were installed last night (note the time I am sending this email). The migration went fairly smooth with no real issues noted so far.

Not all the updates that are planned have yet been implemented. Notably new and better Virus and SPAM filtering. For the short term you “may” actually see a slight increase in SPAM as the current base filters begin to “learn”. The new filtering package to come in the near term will dramatically cut down on the amount of SPAM delivered to your inbox. We did not want to do a wholesale change in one night (to the extent that we were required simply by the move to new Server hardware) so as to minimize potential problems.

Given the current time I “may” not be too quick to answer the phone in the early part of the morning should you discover some unforeseen issues so please bear with us as we continue with this migration.

Another use asked the question yesterday if the method to login to the webmail was going to change. The answer is no. You will still point your browser at your domain with an indicated port of 8383 (for example: The first time you login through the web it will ask you some questions:

Time Zone setting – Change it to Arizona
Leave the Enhanced Message Listing enabled
With Message Preview you will be able to simply point at an email and have it display a preview of the message without actually opening the message. Personally I would recommend changing this to “Small” if you are going to want a preview.

Once you have made those selections press the Save Option at the top of that section and you will then be taken to the normal mail interface.

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